Take control of your email warm-up strategy with customizable balancing options
Why Mailbox Balancing Matters
By default, Warmy’s AI sends warm-up emails to all major email providers (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo). While this ensures broad coverage, it’s not ideal for targeted campaigns. Mailbox balancing lets you:
Focus your efforts on providers your audience actually uses.
Avoid wasting resources on irrelevant providers.
Improve deliverability by building a reputation with the right email systems.
B2B campaigns need a reputation with business-grade providers like G Suite or Microsoft 365.
B2C campaigns should prioritize personal email providers like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo.
How to Configure Mailbox Balancing
Step 1: Access the Balancing Settings
Log in to your Warmy dashboard.
Go to Profile> Warm-up Preferances
Tip: You can also access this from your mailbox dashboard.
Step 2: Choose Your Audience Type (B2B or B2C)
This is critical for success!
For B2B Audiences (Businesses):
Focus on business email providers:
✅ G Suite (Google Workspace)
✅ Microsoft 365 (Outlook for Business)
✅ ZohoPro
✅ Custom SMTP/self-hosted servers
Avoid: Personal providers like Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.com. -
For B2C Audiences (Consumers):
Focus on personal email providers:
✅ Gmail (personal)
✅ Outlook (personal)
✅ Yahoo
Avoid: Business-specific platforms like G Suite or Microsoft 365.
⚠️ Warning:
Not sure? Contact Support immediately. Misconfiguration can ruin your warm-up progress.
Step 3: Set Provider-Specific Percentages
Under Provider Distribution, allocate percentages only to relevant providers (see Step 2).
Example for B2B: 50% G Suite, 30% Microsoft 365, 20% ZohoPro.
Ensure the total equals 100% (the system will validate this).
Click Save to apply.
Step 4: Enable/Disable Manual Balancing
Toggle Manual Balancing on/off.
On: Use your custom provider percentages.
Off: Warmy’s AI sends emails to all providers (not recommended for targeted campaigns).
User-Level vs. Sender-Level Settings
You can configure balancing preferences at two levels:
User-Level | Sender-Level |
Applies to all mailboxes by default. | Overrides user-level settings for specific senders. |
Ideal for teams with consistent warm-up needs. | Use this to customize individual campaigns or exceptions. |
Sender-level settings always take priority over user-level configurations. Configure individual senders carefully to avoid conflicts.
User-Level: Set B2B preferences for all mailboxes.
Sender-Level: Adjust one mailbox to B2C for a specific campaign.
Result: The B2C mailbox ignores user-level settings and uses its own configuration. All other mailboxes follow user-level rules.
Key Notes to Avoid Mistakes
Default Behavior: If you don’t configure balancing, emails go to all providers—ideal for general use.
New Mailboxes: Settings apply automatically to new mailboxes unless overridden at the sender level.
Priority Rules: Sender-level settings override global preferences.
What Happens If You Choose the Wrong Providers?
B2B Example: Warming up with Gmail (personal) instead of G Suite means your emails won’t build reputation with corporate email filters.
Result: Poor deliverability to your actual audience.
Fix: Double-check settings or contact support for a configuration review.
Need Help?
This is important! Misconfigured balancing wastes warm-up effort and harms deliverability.
👉 Contact our team if:
You’re unsure about B2B vs. B2C providers.
You need help prioritizing platforms.
You want to validate your setup.