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Why you get "unreceived" in your deliverability test or don't get results at all 🕵️

If you're getting "unreceived" in your deliverability test or not getting results at all, it's likely because you're not sending your test emails correctly.

Here are the most common mistakes:

  • Not including the seed email address.
    The seed email address is a special email address that identifies you as the sender of the test email.  This helps ESPs to track your test results and provide you with accurate data.

    ❗Including the seed email address is a requirement, and it should always be included with the other email addresses.

  • Sending each email address separately. This is a big no. The seed email address won't be visible so we won't be able to locate the results
  • Avoid creating campaigns on platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, or MailChimp for deliverability test. These platforms send each email separately, making the seed email address invisible and preventing us from locating the results.

And here is a helpful Video Guide on how to correctly perform the test in order to display accurate results:

Wish you luck! 🍀